The closing conference of BRIDGES project (Bridging competence infrastructure gaps and speeding up growth and jobs delivery in regions), which is implemented within INTERREG EUROPE Programme, will be organized online on Tuesday 10th of December 2020.
The capitalisation report of the innovation maps of the BRIDGES regions is completed and was approved by the project partners during the 4th ISC meeting on 8.6.2017 in Helsinki.
The purpose of this capitalisation report is to provide a solid basis of data and methodologies to facilitate decision making in relation to the action plans of the BRIDGES project regional partners. The report summarises the six innovation maps, makes recommendations for the regional action plans prioritising types of technological connectivity between less and more advanced innovation regions, and draws conclusions regarding technological connectivities beyond locational proximities.
The innovation maps indicate that while the number of innovation performing businesses is not as extensive as anticipated, RIS3 industries indicate strong potential for renewal and/or modernisation, and in one case, also diversification. Gaps in the regional innovation systems, lack of critical mass, and mismatches between productive and knowledge bases are sometimes present, too.
RIS3 industries’ potential will be explored in the partner action plans. In the process, knowledge base gaps will be addressed through targeted partnerships and innovation management gaps through good practice transfer.
During the 3rd (April 2017-September 2017) & 4th (October 2017-March 2018) semesters, BRIDGES is preparing for the formulation of the action plans.
The document "BRIDGES Innovation Maps capitalisation report" can be downloaded by the link below:

On 22 and 23 February 2017, the kick off meeting and the launching event of the PrioritEE European project titled «Prioritize energy efficiency measures in public buildings: a decision support tool for regional and local public authorities» were organized by the project coordinator CNR-IMAA, in Rome. All project partners participated to this first project event.
PrioritEE benefits from the European Community funding within the «1st call for Modular projects» of the transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean area, the «Interreg MED programme 2014-2020».

We would like to inform you that the process of updating our website in English is in progress..

BRIDGES (Bridging competence infrastructure gaps and speeding up growth and jobs delivery in regions) is a new interregional project, in which Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A. is a partner, approved under the first call for proposals of the Interreg Europe cooperation programme, financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the Programming Period 2014 -2020.